CategoryOn “Nature”
This is a great, short blurb on the role of (and understanding of) nature in the city.
Streets: Their History, Importance, and Regulation
Presented by Paul Knight, DCAI President, at the Atlanta City Studio on November 1, 2016, to a packed room full of urbanists. Covers stree..
Applying the Lessons of History to Future Development
This presentation was delivered at the 2016 National Planning Conference in Phoenix, AZ, by Paul Knight and David Green on April 4.
Street Legal
David Green at TEDxPeachtree
Open Space: Good or Bad for Cities?
In the middle of the 19th century cities were expanding, and in most cases they were doing this in the absence of sensible ways to address..
Sustainable Framework
For 2500 years, at least, we have been planning cities that are incredibly sustainable. Since the very first cities were planned (up unti..